LF TaeriVR
Taeri, the Forest Spirit
TOS: https://terms.elizacg.com/If you would like to purchase the base separately, please do so here: https://elizabytevr.gumroad.com/l/TaeriBaseFeaturesFBT Ready5 Outfits you can mix and match.4 Body Textures (one for each season)Each outfit has multiple texturesSmooth transitions between texture changes.Cherry Blossom Throw JointSmall Deer followerRandom Ear FlicksTail Wag Idle AnimationDynamic Bones set up(you must import your copy of dynamic bones)Custom IconsCustom AFK AnimationSubstance Painter Files Included2 Yellow Rating Options4 Green Rating OptionsCreditsIcons by Uni https://smoluni.gumroad.com/Throw Joint by Cam https://camsaviis.gumroad.com/l/CamsThrowjointFollower Script by VRLabs https://vrlabs.dev/RCE by AlcTrap https://alctrap.gumroad.com/l/szeGDConcept art by Shakko https://www.deviantart.com/shakko-sanDance animation in video by NatsumiSan https://www.patreon.com/natsumisanTerms Of ServiceBy purchasing this item you agree to adhere to and follow the terms of service.Under no circumstances can this item be uploaded as a public avatar in VRChat or any virtual reality game.Under no circumstances may you sell derivative work of this item. This includes recolours part swapping and full outfit and base.Under no circumstances may you redistribute this item.Under no circumstances are you to port onto any game that you plan to profit from.This model can be used for commercial vtubing, such as: Recording, livestreaming, events and promotional materialFailure to adhere to terms of service may result in fines and legal action.Set Up GuideCreate a new Unity Project with Unity 2019.4.31f1 https://unity3d.com/unity/whats-new/2019.4.31Import Dynamic Bones https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/animation/dynamic-bone-16743Import VRChat SDK 3.0 Avatars https://vrchat.com/home/downloadImport Poiyomi Toon Shader 7.3.046 https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShader/releasesImport Taeri-by-ELIZA unitypackageDrag the Scene "Taeri-Unoptimized" into your active scene. Delete the default scene.Open VRCSDK > Control Panel, log in, and upload. That's it!
Gumroad (elizabytevr.gumroad.com)
Some one have this i cant find it