LF-【Deorart タイアップ】パンク系振袖パーカー・サルエルパンツコーデセット&とろとろねこNECOLA #BLUESTELLA -
VRC用 ホバーアニメーション(Hover Motion) - Latest Ver.Bump
LF : ✨Sale✨【13アバター対応 VRC Hair】 PAJAMASbump
LF:【13アバター対応】BonniePuff【VRChat向け衣装モデル】milltina or fullsetBump
LF : 「ミルティナ」専用【3D衣装モデル】NUU MilltinaBump
LF:【オリジナル衣装】 Casual Stroll カジュアル ストロール CHIFFON/MANUKAbump
LF: 「L’Mystère Sauvage」オリジナル3D衣装bump
LF:【13アバター対応】BonniePuff【VRChat向け衣装モデル】milltina or fullsetBump
LF:【13アバター対応】BonniePuff【VRChat向け衣装モデル】milltina or fullsetBump
Gift : 🌃【VRC 衣装】Urban Grace - City !@Kimi_Cutie
Thx a lot for sharing, but I think you should write where did you get the source from, or just wrote you found it somewhere else before post it first…For me this count as “sharing” because you didn’t buy it.
Otherwise people will mention you to ask for update like i just about to…Sorry for disrupting -
LF:【13アバター対応】BonniePuff【VRChat向け衣装モデル】milltina or fullsetBump
LF:【13アバター対応】BonniePuff【VRChat向け衣装モデル】milltina or fullsetbump
GIFT: Simple Gel Nail - [30 avatars available] FULLPACK@PeachiiTea Thank you very much again
LF: 「L’Mystère Sauvage」オリジナル3D衣装Bump
LF:【13アバター対応】BonniePuff【VRChat向け衣装モデル】milltina or fullsetBump
LF: Milltina (Model Found !) & Assets [NOT UPDATING AGAIN] -
LF: WBT【9アバター対応】@schizophrenic Can you pls update the file? They updated for Milltina too
LF: Milltina (Model Found !) & Assets [NOT UPDATING AGAIN]@anonc Thank you
LF:Chinese-style clothing for milltinaBump
LF: Milltina (Model Found !) & Assets [NOT UPDATING AGAIN]@SolaireParker There's only texture in the zip flie, can you reput the clothes file after the clothes have a update ver? Thank you!