@silvabliss thanks! and well this is one of the big reasons I made the archive, is that there's a WHOLE lot of people, especially the vrchat avatar uploaders that JUST upload the avatar but don't put up a unitypackage for folks to download and up the models themselves, or any number of ways where people have made models but it's really hard to find them cause they're posting to figure out which website and oh look their tags aren't clear and their gallery on deviantart isn't folder organized or godforbid they only posted their stuff to twitter so finding it in the first place is a nightmare.
It's incredible how disorganized this whole community of model styles is disorganized because KabalMystic himself never bothered to try and organize the community aside from creating archives of his own bases lol. Hence why I'm trying to organize such a thing, and I've thought of making an explicitly KM Modeling themed discord but then I remembere dthe "competing standards" problem. yknow like back in the day before tech companies all were forced to agree on USB there was a bajillion different cable types for connecting devices (firewire, USB, serial, iCables, ALLLL the proprietary ones for cell phones, etc). It's like, makin that discord could do the opposite of what it's intended to do and fracture things even more instead of uniting things