@Coolcat2023 https://mega.nz/file/AmkiGZxA#rG06xsOdbWtIfpo3FcyjhMQStDCglsweL1rIzzpMJ2E wasnt broken in the first place but here did the favour of making it a drag and drop prefab no strings attached

LF: KTR - Kitavali Ram Harness -
LF: KTR - Kitavali Ram Harnessshould be basic knowledge but if not when importing do remember to delete the scripts in the ripped harness folder or just dont import with scripts because it will mess with the sdk and possibly cuck you out of your work
LF: KTR - Kitavali Ram Harnessrealized dis brokens this one work sowwy for first ones https://mega.nz/file/k38UAA5I#p6mJLsnD1l3HQly8pkU5R5iy4FWTFXgJg8_Fmj1OaqU
LF: KTR - Kitavali Ram Harnesshere cutie :3