
LF: Zora by Bratbun -
[Original 3D Model] Anthea Griffonet [VRChat compatible]here is the link to the bandana if anyone wants to get it and share ^^ so far that is the only clothing out rn
https://kenkendog.booth.pm/items/6090826 -
LF: 【オリジナル3Dモデル】アンシア グリフォネット 【VRChat対応】https://forum.ripper.store/topic/37356/original-3d-model-anthea-griffonet-vrchat-compatible
here you go everyone ^^
[Original 3D Model] Anthea Griffonet [VRChat compatible]hello again lovelys! this model has been on our little wants for a while now and just got it below is a link to the OG model and our Mega link if by chance you get the bandana that is made for these little guys that would be huge!
LF: 【オリジナル3Dモデル】アンシア グリフォネット 【VRChat対応】just bought the bird lovelys ill need a bit but i will upload it ^^/
LF: 【オリジナル3Dモデル】アンシア グリフォネット 【VRChat対応】Bump
LF: 【オリジナル3Dモデル】アンシア グリフォネット 【VRChat対応】bump ^^/
lf: NovaNardobeast@zeta-zaza its though the nova discord then you buy it through the guy that got it commissioned after you show you have both models only then can you get the files
Grim The Sky Reaperbump
LF: Murder Drones by yumily6 [ 4/6 FOUND ]they are all in the comments of this post just gotta go through but they are all here ^^/
Grim The Sky ReaperBoost ^^/
Grim The Sky Reapersaw this and thought it was super cool though not really sure were to put it but im Looking for it if others can share that would be super cool! ^^/
LF the Verbunny by ArcticAsperVerbunny V1.31
This is the most updated version includes unity, blender, substance painter files and photoshop files! when the model needs updates ill try to update this as...
RipperStore Forums (forum.ripper.store)
here you go lovelys!
Verbunny V1.31This is the most updated version includes unity, blender, substance painter files and photoshop files!
when the model needs updates ill try to update this as well!
Link to the gumroad model | Pixel drain link
LF the Verbunny by ArcticAsperuploading the V1.31 to pixel drain now for you lovelys ill make a post and link it here ^^/
LF: Drakari - A Dragon avatar for Vrchat! by Hobberthello lovelys on this one i uploaded the model on my page you can find it here ^^/
[register or login to view this hidden content] | [register or login to view this hidden content] First time doing this if the download goes down please try to message me and ill do my best to pu...
RipperStore Forums (forum.ripper.store)
LF: Drakarihttps://forum.ripper.store/topic/34780/drakari here you go lovelies
DrakariDownload | Where to fins the model
First time doing this if the download goes down please try to message me and ill do my best to put it back up ^^/ ive also included the mmd file that was added in the thunder chat
planning on adding the others when i can ^^/
here is a photo of the model
LF: Drakariif you guys give me a bit im uploading the files to pixeldrain since the discord is just a file with nothing put together and crashes unity ^^/ ill be posting a link here or posting on my page along with more hobbert models
LF: Drakaribump ^^