bump. usually sakus avis get leaked instantly but damn its been a min on this one
Layqa FaceTracking! (PC/QUEST) By LittleSaku -
LF: Synne by Nymhbeep
FOUND BY SpookySinister | GYM RAT by illumeft??
โ (FOUND by Astro) Cleo (Feline Furry) by FoxiPawsbump
โ (FOUND by Cynessa) Nolan & Nataliyah By Kaitobump reup for FT vers
FOUND BY SpookySinister | MIMI BY WEEKES@SpookySinister is there FT
LF: Amada the Love Angel (GoGo, PC, UE FT, Index Gestures)HUGE BUMP
LF: Varg By Mikich (LIMITED TIME SALE, ENDS 30TH MARCH)Bump i originally looked up vag lol
LF: Jade and Jayden V2! By minxieBump plsss me and bf wanna matchhh
LF: GodWhisper by Godfall (UNRELEASED)Bump. They come back after how long to drop the same avi? Lolsss
โ (FOUND by Pandamom57) Cecilia by Bakayo@tiredofts pretty sure it is i think i downloaded from the same link and the vers i uploaded was ft
LF :Elena the SuccuCow@AbysmalOoze yeah i figured that out after spending 2 hours trying to "fix" the avi
LF :Elena the SuccuCowit wont upload for me no matter WHAT. someone pls help. says im trying to upload an avi i dont own and whatnot.
LF: Rocket by wooflesvr (releasing soon)Bump
XYLO VRFCT + PC VERSION ( UPDATED FIX ) ~ โ๐โหโนโกis FT in there?
โ (FOUND by viper454) Light by Kirisa@cosmicbliss bruh
JOSIE PRE ORDER LIVID LILY@Clown i prefer the body sliders because plus size avis are severely hard to come by. why not just make your own avi since you can:(
โ (FOUND by 33soloe) Nikki by Demonpuffsi can buy it if someone shares the files with me. i can send you money on cashapp. im blocked from buyig from her
JOSIE PRE ORDER LIVID LILYanybody else having issues with FT not working?
โ (FOUND by viper454) Light by Kirisabump ft