Decided to Provide again enjoy
Here you go
Decided to Provide again enjoy
Here you go
@Vaemir @Lemon @sub_puppy
ECHO BAT Female and Femboy
Agree a lot of people are like that.
i help and even buy avatars to share sure i cannot be crazy buying all o the ones i wnat cuz yeah it adds up 50 after 50 after 50. so i share what i can. sometimes people dont even thank you thumbs up etc for them.
but regardless compared to VRmodels. atleast this place is Slightly less toxic than that website.
My dear friends today is my turn to provide to you all.
if you can always remember to upvote.
and leave a funny emoji because why not.
get it while you can i dont know how long it will last.
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idk how long it will last but enjoy
getting upvotes like the others say but sometimes even when you give ppl items etc they want they dont upvote so is a gamble
Nova Jorney Textures
I try to avoid topics like this because well... i kinda hate drama. One of the main reasons why i despise Vrmodels comunity and how the Admins manage shit.
I totally get it. it sucks you post a model here then seeing someone else get those uuh what... 2? points? on vrm
premium vrmodels is just locking booth models behind a paywall things that we get here free.
now. am not defending anyone here i have uploaded avis here. and someone grabbed one and uploaded it there. it sucks but whatever.
why whatever? well we dont really have the right in a site like this to ask for permision to reupload specially since we as a file sharer are already breaking the rule of sharing the file to beggin with.
if you wanned that rep for yourself in vrm you as a file sharer should have Uploaded first on VRM then upload it here. to avoid that issue.
it sucks and am not defending that dude cuz that scummy but i got that done aswell. with a model. but it is what it is. ive spent money and share models here. heck that expensive bug model i share the other day was an example. was expensive but i wanned more people to enjoy it. and thats what we are here for.
those who wanna block and feel like they need to block this person go ahead it sucks but hey atleast models are getting around to people who cant aford it. nobody has to agree with me. and i am definitly not fighting or arguing etc. i just wanned to express my point of view as a person that only shares here cuz vrm is scummy.
people here for the shader dont understand that Poyomi updates their shaders almost daily. and soemtimes those updates arent really much different. 2 days ago ppl looking for 9.1.12 now 1 day ago 1.1.13
you dont need every single update. like when i worked with my models i dint change the pro version till they had a proper mayor update because honestly removing my shader daily to put a version that offers nothing i need its silly. anyways you all have a good day. just giving an advice here to not worry much for the 9.1.x and worry more for bigger things like 9.2 and so on atleast thats my opinion on poiyomis mess
thats a silly question. and no i dont sugest anyone click the link for this kinda thing. is obiouys why ppl use this website. that and ofcs you got website like Vrmodels that have booth stuff behind a Scummy preium Service. anyways have a good day
FOUND Edited info
@Layui you can chek the links again
here sorry for the delay took abit to upload