Bump Selestia + Airi or Fullset
LF: 🐟Fishing Master (Fullset) -
LF [BlueGuaSpecial] -3Dモデル-ニコ-Niko-If he was a catto cac@mindlessgonzo ooh thank you! no idea how it didn't pop up when I searched for it
LF [BlueGuaSpecial] -3Dモデル-ニコ-Niko-If he was a catto cac[BlueGuaSpecial] -3Dモデル-ニコ-Niko-If he was a catto cac - bluegua - BOOTH
This model supports FaceTracking using ARkit blendshapes with VRCFury and Jerry's template! The model is created using VCC(vrchat creator companion) PLEASE use VCC to update ur sdk to the newest version! Whats in this package: This model supports Face tracking with ARKit blendshapes! A fully
LF:【7Avaters】NEGATE ER001 Fullsetbump
LF:【愛莉(Airi)専用】Body Texture Real skinbump
【7アバター対応】Schön Silk Airi or Full@yuichihaya A_Pink is not related to the mask, which is what i was referring to as its the only pink texture
【7アバター対応】Schön Silk Airi or Full@yuichihaya missing the normal map for the Pink material?
the Normals in the material don't match the texture -
LF NeonEdge for Selestiabump
LF Liindy Shurikenbump
Does anyone know the name or origin of this outfit?@lacia3 after some searching i found this https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/114054163
it seems to be for Koikatsu but I didn't find any files, there might be a link somewhere though -
LF SALE中!【オリジナル3Dモデル】Tomei Higanbana -十冥彼岸花-【刀】VRChat想定 パーティクルやギミック付きbump
LF Airi dynamic expressionbump
【PB】 AIRI Clothing Pack 【VRChat想定】bump
【PB】 AIRI Clothing Pack 【VRChat想定】bump
【PB】 AIRI Clothing Pack 【VRChat想定】bump
LF SALE中!【オリジナル3Dモデル】Tomei Higanbana -十冥彼岸花-【刀】VRChat想定 パーティクルやギミック付きbump
LF SALE中!【オリジナル3Dモデル】Tomei Higanbana -十冥彼岸花-【刀】VRChat想定 パーティクルやギミック付きbumo
LF Liindy Shurikenbump