ima just buy it

lf nightmare this mangle texture :) -
lf nightmare this mangle texture :)it shows codes when download
lf nightmare this mangle texture :)do u have the normal unity package ?? and not one with codes ...??
LF This Fexa model and someone uploading it to my account if possiblewait where is it located can u post link of where it is
LF: Anything for the Rexouium/Rexand if ur looking for clothing bst to look on vrmodels for rex stuff and use vrcfury to link them to ur model thats wht i been doing for toggle
FOUND: Ashbeast by therpgslayerhey question does the chest have sliders??
LF: kuuta hairtyyy
LF: anything REX/Rexouium -
LF Furbrushed Foxes (Rexouium Texture)hi im currently looking for this item if ur able to get ill trade the fara rex Fara Rexouium Furbrush Maps V2 by Nadaro for it
Furbrushed Foxes (Rexouium Texture)
Contains Red Fox, Kit Fox, Arctic Fox, AND Silver Fox Textures!Terms of Service What you CAN do:Sell or purchase texture commissions as long as both parties own the assetUpload avatars with this asset as publicUse this asset on public or cloneable avatarsWhat you CANNOT do:Redistribute or share this pack to anyoneResell this assetClaim to be the owner/creator of this assetUse this asset for any commercial purposes
Gumroad (
what im looking for
also have few novabeast clothing dm and ill show u wht i have <3(only for texture)
LF: Furbrushed Mayu Normal, Height & Roughness Mapsif someone can get this one im looking for the Furbrushed Foxes (Rexouium Texture) ill give them the furbrush of fara rexouium Furbrushed Normal, Height & Roughness Maps
LF: wickerbeast clothingbump ill trade nardo clothing i have for any good wickerbeast clothing i dont have
CandyXCorpse: Updated Mangle avibump
LF: Wickerbeast Muscle Textures or Any muscle textures made by Mos!bump
LF: Regulus/Kepler Femboy techwear outfitbump
Regulus hoodie + thigh highsbump for both
LF: This Nardo's Hairbump for hair
LF: Chain hornbump
little night dressbump
LF: Manuka Hairty angel
LF: kuuta hairbump for hair