@H-I-N-A Her name is Mona but the user is looking for a different model also named Mona
LF MIA and MONA AVI R18 DLC pls -
Anyone have Roje? Or any R18 avis from this creator? <3 -
Anyone recognize the base model?@Snowy Yeah it is the one in the link I sent. I can see how it could be mistaken for Rusk though
Anyone recognize the base model?オリジナル3Dモデル「リナリィ・ココ」#Rinaly3D - なっふな堂 - BOOTH
😺オリジナル3Dモデル「リナリィ・ココ」 制作者:香坂もち( https://twitter.com/mzk563 ) 😺キャラクターデザイン/3Dモデリング 香坂もち 〇商品概要〇 Humanoid/フルトラッキング/VRCアイトラッキング/自動まばたき対応 Avatars3.0対応
LF: Yoru the dragon -
LF: Balt**ore ボルチ〇ア R18 MMD@LossaJero Thank you
LF: Balt**ore ボルチ〇ア R18 MMD@dragoress Yeah does not work on both it just says it cannot be opened on them like an error
LF: Balt**ore ボルチ〇ア R18 MMD@LossaJero Awesome thank you. The file does not let me open it for some reason. Is there anyway you could send it in a different form or something?
LF: Kuronatu@hijaru https://anonfiles.com/E9tdD198ya/nanka-tsukurouyo_Kuronatu_Kuronatu_3329958_zip Here she is
LF: Balt**ore ボルチ〇ア R18 MMDBump
really wanting these avatars >~< -
Anyone got Kyo?@Wueveil Ahhh thank you
Anyone got Kyo?★R18★ オリジナル3Dモデル 【キョーちゃん】 - Mister Pink・ミスピン - BOOTH
★オリジナル3D R18 モデル「キョーちゃん」です!★ 製作者: Mister Pink・ミスピン VRChatでの使用を想定した3Dモデルです ★MMD用のPMXモデルとRayMMDマテリアルの無料アップデート配布中です!★
Looking for the Selenahttps://vrmodels.store/avatars/19450-selena.html Just make an account and then you can download her
this site has many many free models
sissela 1.0.3 [シセラ] -
LF any Mophira or Rindo outfits besides the one they come with. Thank you!Any at all.
LF: Toranoko "Chito-chan" Avatar -
VRChat 3D Model [Alisa]@kitkat https://vrmodels.store/avatars/14797-eve.html here she is
looking for Platinum and this outfit[Found by me] ✔@Stooprip No problem, Shiro has it!