bumping for proper files with spp
LF: Blue by Albanna -
LF: Ginger Shark Vrchat Model (Octo_Hedgie)Bumpump
LF > Juniper [ SPP FOUND BY @gott ] ✔bump
LF: Blue by Albannabump
LF > Juniper [ SPP FOUND BY @gott ] ✔anyone with ft dlc
LF: Feline+ by HighCD (FOUND)bump
LF Nanami Face Tracking Add-On by adjerry91BUMP
LF: Furry YoRHa 2B Nier Mayo Splashbump for spp again @icookmeth
LF: Feline+ by HighCD (FOUND)bump
LF > Juniper [ SPP FOUND BY @gott ] ✔face tracking?
LF: Furry YoRHa 2B Nier Mayo Splashbump for substance file?
LF: Feline+ by HighCD (FOUND)bump
gift: Piper kicks by peekabowoBump for spp
gift: Piper kicks by peekabowobump for SPP personally
LF: Ottaroo Latest version!bump
LF: Face Tracking - Hobkin Redux DLC or Face Tracking - OG Hobkin DLCbump
LF: Ottaroo Latest version!https://reign04.gumroad.com/l/Ottaroo_F
I am looking for the most recent version of the Ottaroo that includes the new clothing options. Yes I know it is already on VRModels but that is the older version. If you could provide to me the latest version which should be at least 1.2 I would appreciate it a lot!!!
lf: ottaroo updatebump
Aisha FemNova Texturebump
[ FOUND 2/2 ] Kurai's Female Novabeastbump for aisha texture