
LF: Hush by Lune et Chat -
GIFT:【10アバター対応】 Summer Wave Shinano Onlybump airi
LF > Ribon Heel by Miru-Studiobump
LF Night Swimmer full set or Airibump
【愛莉】♡ Airi ♡ Floral Gleam・EyesTexture & Makeup by Bunnyhop- 6556373bump
LF: Amora + Valentine by Xerozu | PC & QUESTbump
(IMP With Colors) Rip please?Bump
LF: Identifying this hair@Gigaleaker
its a kitbash and a nightmare to find all the pieces
https://booth.pm/ja/items/6106863 (bangs and little braid)
https://booth.pm/en/items/5408364 (the little hair bump things on the top)
https://booth.pm/en/items/5857541 (the back hair maybe?)
you would prob have to mess with it a bit but i think these are the pieces
Thanks for giving me something to do I was about to die of boredom -
【SALE中♥5アバター対応】 ♥CANCER♥ 【VRChat向け衣装モデル】 Fullset or Siobump airi
✨Dazzlingbump airi
LF: 🌹Roselia -ロゼリア-🌹11アバター対応bump
LF : ::SALE:: [VRchat] LostDino fullBump Airi!!
Looking for public models@RockstarBoob
this world is good for finding any avi you could ever want thats public. you can find some pretty good edits of booth models there just put in the name of the model and search. Hope this helps and happy hunting lol -
LF: 🦉小さな物書き (Little Writer) [12 Avatars] Fullsetbump airi
LF: 【 8アバター対応】100+Style Stockings 持続更新!!!rip TvT
LF: 【 8アバター対応】100+Style Stockings 持続更新!!!@Observation_Bot
I see thank you so much ill try using 7zip instead ^w^Update: 7zip was the issue I opened the file with 7zip and transferred it to a normal zip im uploading that to workupload rn I'll put the link here when its done. :3
@Observation_Bot & @maopoyop
I extracted the files from 7zip and put them in a normal zip here they are ^w^
and Thanks again to @Observation_Bot for sharing!
https://workupload.com/file/F5GhZgAqzAm -
LF Nails for Airi「⁺✶極光ネイル˚₊」Aurora Nails ♦【14アバター対応OK!】 - 𝓵𝓸𝓿𝓮 - BOOTH
フルパック/ FULL PACK【14アバター対応OK!】 2/15~3/15 800→1000JPY 動画の中の首輪↓ https://vrchatlove.booth.pm/items/5779683
【日替わりネイル #070-#074】DailyNail for Devil【MDollnail対応】 #あんらぼぶい - 𝔸𝕟-𝕃𝕒𝕓𝕠.𝕍𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕝🎀 - BOOTH
本アイテムに興味を持っていただきありがとうございます! こちらは Minuet_Dollさまの 【販売OK!】シェアできる汎用ジェルネイルチップ『MDollnail』【VRChat】 https://minuetdoll.booth.pm/items/3114352 を利用し制作したネイルテクスチャです。 当商品には3Dモデル及びネイルテクスチャ・設定済マテリアルが同梱されておりますので、 当商品のみご購入いただくだけでご利用いただくことができます。 また、本商品は"サキュバス酒場LILITH"とのコラボ商品です。 サキュバス酒場LILITHをイメージしたデザインを含め、
Please and Thank Yous Beautiful People ^w^
LF: All of An-Labo.Virtual / 鴨味いる nail textures. #MDollnail [7/69]Bump 2B plz!!
LF 【13アバター対応】タイツ&ストッキングbump
LF: 【 8アバター対応】100+Style Stockings 持続更新!!!@Observation_Bot
had the same issue as @maopoyop it does only have for shinra in the .rar file with some empty text documents just letting you know :3