@wfurry VRModels are super fascists and extremely hostile to people, even if you're a person that uploads stuff to their website. I got banned for 6 months for linking to a model after someone uploaded a clearly ripped model (I wanted the unfucked version with an actual fbx). They're very rude and will slap you with the equivalent of "Git gud" when asking for unity help

LF: Keva's Canine Dick Asset -
LF: Mayu Harness -
LF: SyncDances@Ethiopian1987 It's only kinda quest comp, the dances are a huge download size problem and you'll need to remove clips from the action controller
LF: SylvafenI heard of you message the creator, they're happy to give a small discount, they're a very nice nice guy, it is their first avatar after all :3
LF: Sylvafen@SugarJuneBug said in LF: Sylvafen:
@NameThatsMine Oh! That's so nice! Unfortunately, I do this because I literally don't have any spare money to use on models. Whenever I can, I do eventually buy the models I really enjoy using!
That's fair! I own the model and can say it feels really nice in Full Body
You'll def enjoy it
LF: Sylvafen@SugarJuneBug said in LF: Sylvafen:
@NameThatsMine I wonder if there's perhaps a public version of it? Either ways, I hope I can use it eventually! I really want to try it out before I buy it! ; v;
They do have a public version, it's actually at the top of their store page, but here's the link for it: https://vrchat.com/home/avatar/avtr_1a80e2cc-e6c8-4072-8eaa-24abee0ddb5e