I rather keep the ability to downvote. While, yes, seeing that one particular infamous topic thread of a user spamming the recent threads with their whining about being downvoted to hell and fighting everyone within said thread
We all at some point at least saw that “special thread” once or twice in the recent post tab. Correct me if I'm wrong… I think one of the problems was because the person kept insisting on pushing it and didn't want to acknowledge they were taking it a bit too far attempting to convince people to agree with them, it seemed.
When someone would say they felt neutral or disagreed with their idea rather than fully agreeing with them 100% without question or critical independent thought.
The person would just get more upset and imply that everyone here are horrible people just because the community didn't side with them throughout the thread.
It felt like to me, they lacked the experience & knowledge of witnessing/interacting what most communities on certain social platforms that have some sort of ability to create threads or comments tends to act on a cultural level. Say for instance YouTube, Tumblr, Reddit, or Twitter etc.
I won't point fingers or tag their name here. I rather it doesn't turn into a repeat of past events with them coming here to take over the entire thread, spamming another thread again
Not only that, but I don't really trust them and prefer not dealing with them at all due to how they behaved. I do not know if other users relate to that, but I could just be me being hyper vigilant
I did notice somewhat odd behaviour when I went to their profile out of curiosity and checked their post history. They went into other threads to execute a similar pattern as if they were attempting to find people to agree with them or would tag other people that may or may not of been targeted by the downvote spam. Especially without the person's consent, as if they were trying to validate their behaviour as a positive thing.
It's like overtime, their intentions changed into something less innocent and well intended positively into basically just being full on toxic to people without noticing it due to their microaggressions.
Keep in mind, some users genuinely went out of their way to help them and attempted to put it from a different perspective to encourage some sort of community discussion.
For instance, initially I upvoted the poster and some of their good points merely to give them upvotes to balance out the negatives. Not because I felt guilty or bad for them, but they did have some kind of some good points which had some valid standing to a degree. I was just completely out of the loop on the context of what was actually going on a bigger scale.
Trouble is, I took the upvotes away as soon as they started getting very rude and aggressive towards other users. The fact, they lacked the maturity and respect to learn it's not a "me VS you" or "who wins or loses" thing and couldn't seem to let it go.
I believe any debate/argument looses any valid meaning when you start being toxic or passive-aggressive instead of being mature and flexible minded, allowing other people to participate in the discussion without any microaggression.
It is no longer a healthy and positive debate as soon as someone starts attempting to use insults on a personal level that is meant to degrade someone's self-esteem to make themselves feel superior or cause discord
When it comes to the internet, flame wars and trolling is hardly an uncommon thing to happen on the internet, since it kind of part of our culture in a backwards sense. However, that doesn't mean it is also valid to do so and a good thing.
We all know to a certain extent that the lack of IRL face to face interaction and anonymity to an extent makes us as humans do weird and dumb shit sometimes. Due to either us forgetting it could be a real living breathing human on the other end of the screen and/or perhaps not going outside enough to touch grass to refresh our brains. To come back to something later with a new approach.
Sometimes you just gotta go outside in the fresh air for once and go for a walk to factory reset your body. It's pretty normal if you have to do that often to help self regulate yourself.
Everyone is dumb sometimes, including me. Humans have always been very flawed and never been perfect. If we were really perfect, we realistically wouldn't need history as an educational subject as much from repeating the same mistakes someone in the past may have done