@Matsuda okay thank you!
Mochiyama Avatar/ Mamehinata+Mamefriends Archive [7/15/24] UPDATE] -
『Sio用』 Outfit 9set for SioLooking for this cute set for sio
『Sio用』 Outfit 9set for Sio - Amenbo - BOOTH
Sio用の衣装となります。 Modular Avatarで着せることをお勧めします https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ liltoon使用。先にインポートしてください。 https://booth.pm/en/items/3087170
Mochiyama Avatar/ Mamehinata+Mamefriends Archive [7/15/24] UPDATE]Is there anyway to also include a google drive link or other alternative? I cant download it all without waiting hours and hours since I don't have premium.