LF-Simple hoodie & denim shorts -
LF: Rashguard for Manuka -
LF: Rashguard for ManukaLooking for Rashguard for Manuka
Rashguard Bikini for Manuka / ラッシュガードビキニ 【マヌカ用】 (C10) - Ms.Penguin's Shop - BOOTH
Twitter #Ms_Penguins_Shopハッシュタグを利用した投稿登録時、制作者が直接❤を伝えに駆けつけます!🥰 트위터 #Ms_Penguins_Shop 해시태그를 이용한 게시글을 업로드하면 제작자가 직접 ❤를 전하러 달려갑니다!🥰
Blender export Meshsize@Clown Ok, no problem, I'm glad you tried it
For this test i used a new Unity project (2022.3.6f1) and just manuka v 1.02, liltoon 1.7.2 and Thrys imported nothing else.
FBX import (from the new project) into Blender 4.1 and export again, no changes made.I asked a friend of mine to reproduce it, and he get the same problem.
Maybe it's just the Thrys Avatar Evaluator that outputs incorrect values. The Values in the VRCHAT SDK Panel are the same as the original FBX -
Blender export Meshsize@Clown Thanks for your help
Unfortunately, unit scales has no influence on this error "Body" Mesh is on 197,01MiB with it
Blender export MeshsizeHey,
i`d like to make a new Manuka for myself and it is the first time i take a look on some optimations.
My problem is, i delete some stuff combine meshes etc. but the size gets bigger and bigger.So i did some testing.
This are the stats of the normal manuka v1.02:
Mesh Memory 33,46MiB (Body for example is 19,74MiB)I import the fbx into Blender and export the same fbx again.
Export Settings from Blender 4.1 (Steamversion) nothing changed but:
Apply Scalings - FBX All
Add Leaf Bones - off
Bake Animation - offThe stats for for the new exported FBX are:
Mesh Memory 241,01MiB (Body is this time 195,55MiB)The Mesh evaluation is from "Thry's Avatar Performance Tools"
I think I did something wrong in Blender settings. Can someone maybe give me a tip? -
AKALII'S EARS & TAILI got it from https://diraccoonr.gumroad.com/l/alexabydira?layout=profile some time ago, its the blender + 3d file and cicieaaa textures rigged for Velle.
"Sotai" and "Body" from Velle are in the files, delete them. You need to adjust it a little bit and add the Physbones in unity yourself. I hope you can work with it
I copied the physbone settings from Alexa avatar download https://vrmodels.store/avatars/34644-alexa.html
LF: 【マヌカ専用】Manuka NSFW assets (1/9) -
LF asset for Selestia (nsfw)up
LF asset for Selestia (nsfw)bump
LF asset for Selestia (nsfw)Hi im looking for this asset
BOOTH - 創作物の総合マーケット
LF: Suzuki and Sheiva by KasaiAisu -
LF: Lace Lingerie Moe@RVLN This is the one i got from TheGodfather https://pixeldrain.com/u/d3DVdeif
LF: Lace Lingerie MoeUh that was fast Thx TheReGodfather
LF: Lace Lingerie MoeLace Lingerie - EXTENSION CLOTHING - BOOTH
下着があまりないと思って制作しました!! その際にバニーも同時制作していたのでバニーにも着用できるようになっています!! 重ね着用のシェイプキーやちょっとえ〇ちなシェイプキーも実装しています!カラーは全6色ご用意いたしました♡ 透けレースのセクシーかつスタンダードなランジェリーをお楽しみください♡ 同時販売の路地裏バニーのページでバニー衣装とのお得なセットも出ていますのでそちらもご確認ください! ※下記注意事項をお読みください!!!!
Anyone got this Moe or fullset maybe ?
anyone have rin??The toggles are broken on my Version too If u use the wrong Shader. i dont know if it is the same https://workupload.com/file/Cg2PNJrYKmL use poitoon 7.3.050 not pro. It works for me
anyone have rin??If U got problems try to use the 7.3.050 toon shader (not the pro Version)
LF Sexy Low Rise lingerie for Moe+1