@BarrackObamma thanks man

LF : 【販売ワールド】VirtualComfortRoom:Edge -
LF:【7Avaters】NEGATE ER001 Fullsetbump
i need help fixing an fbx update i wanted to do@Indo1234 ofc its broken if u not duplicate the fbx that u gonna edit on blender
remember to always have a backup if u want to use blender cuz if u replace ur only one fbx with the blender fbx its always gonna be white 100% thats why u always do the blender thingy when u just started makin ur own avatar
for me the fix is if u got broken avatar dont test it or play it on gesture manager just close unity and dont save it go to ur avatar file location and go to temp folder in there u gonna found the prefab backup but if u save / go into play mode ur done fr sure
how can I fix Barbie feetsimple just make a blendshape toggle
Need help adding 【シフォン(Chiffon)用】Chiffon dynamic expression to avatar !! and Ear and Tail animation!!just use avatar 3.0 for dynamic and use animation toggle in vrcfury for the animation tail how to use it exactly? look it in youtube / readme for that
LF : 【VRChat想定・MA対応】I AM ATOMICdoes anyone have this? https://booth.pm/en/items/6305494
LF: Coogee Stuff [5/18]bump atomic
GIFT:猫ロングヘア/Neko Long Hairdaym after almost 2 weeks we got it guys
thx anyway
LF: 猫ロングヘアbump
LF : 猫ロングヘアbump
buying assets for u@hss1623 i see
buying assets for uwelp i wonder why u guys still posting in here while the person who posting this not respond u guys
LF: Coogee Stuff [5/18]atomic bump
[VRChat] Sound Cat Bell (DL) ✔bump
LF: Neko Long Hairbump
LF: 猫ロングヘアbump
LF: 猫ロングヘアbump
LF : 猫ロングヘアbump
LF: 猫ロングヘアbumppp
LF: 猫ロングヘアbump