Wanting someone to make a blursekini avi thats pc only to quest compatibility cause i cant do it
LF: someone to convert a avi to quest (asking again) -
(REMINDER) LF someone to make a pc only avi quest and pc compatibale@HenryJoebrenry honestly, dps or not, i'd be happy with getting the model on my account for quest
(REMINDER) LF someone to make a pc only avi quest and pc compatibale@Loserghxst how do i use that? i know nothing about unity ;-;
(REMINDER) LF someone to make a pc only avi quest and pc compatibalei'm wanting someone to make a nsfw blursekini avi (made by Thehawk6444) from the ripperstore website thats pc only to pc and quest compatible. it's a request that i really want fufilled
LF someone to convert a avi to quest compatiblethis is a call for help since I can't use unity ;-;
LF someone to convert a avi to quest compatiblebasically, i need someone to make a nsfw blurse avatar thats pc only to pc and quest compatible, cause i can't figure out anything with unity, and im a quest user. if anyone can help out with this request, please let me know if you get it done. it's the model created by thehawk6444