Looking for latest Mulicia (Found by kiryuchann) ✔ -
GIFT || 【176アバター対応】Classical MaidYou need to download the materials package as well.
It's Classical_Maid_共通ファイル.zip. -
looking for Tactical maid for mayai don't have the item downloaded so can't provide a new one, sorry :")
LF Tarot avatar system Found by kiryuchannnpppp
LF Tarot avatar system Found by kiryuchann@TokeiNeko give my drive a few minutes, but the new update should be there now
LF Tarot avatar system Found by kiryuchanni don't. after the store closed, last update i got was from last year. if you can find the new store, i'll happily share, but what i've posted is all i've got.
GIFT || 【176アバター対応】Classical MaidSorry for the wait, but the drive link should be updated now!
rurune and after has been added -
GIFT || 【176アバター対応】Classical Maidi'll update it in a few days then, this is just up to shinra or so.
sorry, i'm out on vacay so you'll have to be patient for a bit.
GIft: 小鳥遊ホシノ VRChatアバターI really like Hoshino, so had to buy this when I saw it. Figured I'd share here too !!
【オリジナル3Dモデル】Fleza [FOUND ✔]don't have a link or file sadly. sorry
Looking for latest Mulicia (Found by kiryuchann) ✔ -
Mulicia Avatar
I posted the latest version here !!
Looking for latest Mulicia (Found by kiryuchann) ✔Someone asked for the latest version?
Ja jaaan !!
Enjoy !! -
LF: These Clothesbump
LF: These ClothesWas asked what these clothes were, but I don't have a booth link, can y'all help me find the booth link?
Thank you in advance !!
GIFT || 【176アバター対応】Classical MaidThis is the fullset, please enjoy !!
LF : BT ScannerHere's V 1.1!
ENjoy !! -
LF: 【VRChat】 *:゜ほぼ全アバター対応 機械の逆関節:*【13アバターセットアップ済み全部入り】+1
LF: English Garden Maid+1
LF: [ 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 ] Limited Suit, リミテッド·スーツ ( For Selestia セレスティア, Shinra 森羅, Kikyo 桔梗, Moe 萌, Lime ライム ) (FULLSET OR LIME)+1