check DM pls!!!

kazan in a tank
@kazan in a tank
TRADE LIST (small) booth -
LF: KMX Avatar Enhancement for MominokiMomi and UltimateKissMabump
Looking for models of Glubbable ( / so ik it's been a year since the last response to this, but i've been working on putting it together, will share here once done
however, i'm completely stumped with the hair and ears so if either of ya have any idea what it uses lemme know so i can get it finished up
LF: ラ・フルーロ by mocmomoBump
LF: neat - crop hoodieBump
LF: neat - crop hoodiebump
LF: neat - crop hoodiebump
Xgonngivit Dr.voir modelbump
LF: neat - crop hoodiebump
LF: neat - crop hoodiebump
LF: neat - crop hoodiepreferably the selestia version but nearly any would be fine
Neat - Crop Hoodie クロップパーカー パーカー - Blue_Portal - BOOTH
⚠️ Private message on Twitter if you would like avatar base support! or have an issue with the outfit ⚠️. アバターベースのサポートが必要な場合、または衣装に関する問題がある場合は、「twitter」にプライベートメッセージを送ってください。 Routa Version has thick support as seprate FBX 😳 Big Breast & Small Shape Key supported 大きな胸の形キーがサポートされています。 📦Pacakage
LF: ラ・フルーロ by mocmomobump
LF: ラ・フルーロ by mocmomobump
LF: LUUAbump
LF: ラ・フルーロ by mocmomobump
LF: ラ・フルーロ by mocmomobump
LF: ラ・フルーロ by mocmomobump
LF: ラ・フルーロ by mocmomobump
LF: Items from MCF -
LF: ラ・フルーロ by mocmomobump