here u go

kazan in a tank
LF: Super Smashing Combat Asset -
[FOUND by @kazan-in-a-tank]3Dアバター『鳩血蘭 / Pigeonblood Orchid』hey everyone, even better news
i have it now!
hope you all enjoy -
3Dアバター『鳩血蘭 / Pigeonblood Orchid』 {FOUND} -
[GIFT] NEPO (mofuaki)オリジナル3Dモデル【NEPO】 - もふもふ屋 - BOOTH
ふわふわもくもく雲の子ドラゴン ------------------------------------ 本モデルはVRCでの利用を想定したunityのHumanoid形式に対応したデータです。 利用規約を読んでいただき、ご了承の上での購入をお願いいたします。 ※このモデルは胴体・手足のUVがミラーになっています 左右対称のテクスチャになっているので非対称の模様を描きたい場合は自身で改変する必要があります
saw that no one had uploaded this scrungle and just NEEDED to have it. so now i share it with all of you too :3
LF - Nepo もふもふ屋i ended up buying it myself
enjoy :3 -
3Dアバター『鳩血蘭 / Pigeonblood Orchid』 {FOUND}no problemo
just a lil guy. in a tank. doing the lord's work
3Dアバター『鳩血蘭 / Pigeonblood Orchid』 {FOUND} -
LF: Room wear for IMERIShere u go ^w^
LF: Disembodied Hand Assets (1/2)here are the puppet hands :3
(just a heads up, these require just a liiitle bit of unity knowledge to set up since they haven't made a vrcfury compatible version yet)
Full Torinyan Runa/Luna Assets List:bump for mimiluna
[FOUND by @kazan-in-a-tank]3Dアバター『鳩血蘭 / Pigeonblood Orchid』ok guys i got some good news
should be able to get my hands on it in the next few daysso if y'all hold out a lil longer i'll have it here for you all!
All "Augmented Dolls" avatarssorry it took so long to get this back up, but here's a link that i'm 90% sure will actually stay up this time
Full Torinyan Runa/Luna Assets List:another bump for mimiluna
Simple Sound Effect Plus EXhere ya go
hope this isn't too late -
[FOUND by @kazan-in-a-tank]3Dアバター『鳩血蘭 / Pigeonblood Orchid』@CoolGuyMeikai idk how long this link will last but here ya go :3
LF - avatar【NEPO】i ended up buying it myself
enjoy :3 -
LF: Items from MCF -
Nepo LFi ended up buying it myself
enjoy :3 -
Looking for models of Glubbable ( / so ik it's been a year since the last response to this, but i've been working on putting it together, will share here once done
however, i'm completely stumped with the hair and ears so if either of ya have any idea what it uses lemme know so i can get it finished up