it never did, you have to extract the fbx from unity with a plugin
asset ripper not working -
asset ripper not workinghmmm asset ripper works fine for me what are you trying to rip?
LF: Outfit Sets<3bump! maid outfit
LF: Nauuki Assets 6 / 7 Found + Morecan we add ?
LF: Kami hair by tinkbump
LF Cringy Assets 2/12 -
LF: Cringecord assets (25/49) -
LF: Isara by Sizzrpbump
LF: Timmie's New Mega Eye Shader@ty you are on the wrong forum to say that
LF: Timmie's New Mega Eye Shader@Tena i take a look on it
LF: Cringecord assets (25/49)Bump
LF: Isara by Sizzrpbump
LF: Azzy & Nora Hair Duo by Saikurabump
LF: Timmie's New Mega Eye Shaderbump
LF: Kami hair by tinkbump
LF: Nauuki Assets 6 / 7 Found + Morecan we add ?
LF: Timmie's New Mega Eye Shader@cthulhu said in LF: Timmie's New Mega Eye Shader:
ngl it took forever to upload but it worked for me. I also sent it to another person who has it in her project rn
you mind sharing the shader?
LF: Timmie's New Mega Eye Shader@Tena if you could send the files someone could try
LF: Saikura assets (75/82) + extra! -
LF: Saikura assets (75/82) + extra!