Rurune Whale/Tiger/Leopard Shark Texture -
Looking for Selestia Hairs AND OutfitsConstricted medium hair [PB compatible]
Cow Bikini and Collar for Celestia
Any help would be very appreciated! ^^
Galaxy Catcher Sio TextureBooth Link | DL (Up for 7 Days) Upvotes Appreciated
GIFT!2024年第12弾 最終作🌸『天華 - Furisode TENKA -』🌸/full pack2024年第12弾 最終作🌸『天華 - Furisode TENKA -』🌸 - EXTENSION CLOTHING - BOOTH
※注意事項※ 必読 今回の衣装は着物の着付けに従ってリアルの振袖同様に帯の位置を高めに作っています。それに伴い胸部分のPBやシェイプキーなどによるTEX、造形の崩れを回避するためにそれらのコンポーネントを使用しない衣装になっています。予めご了承ください。 着物のシルエットを重視しています。ふとももやお尻等気持ち細めにすらっとした出で立ちになるようにしています。 着物の形状の性質上素体シェイプキーを絞ってお使いいただきますようよろしくお願いいたします。
LF Tattoos / Body Textures [7/27]https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_bv7B_0BXeml0PzlIuk6rXoKaQFnZ5_p/view?usp=sharing Selestia Traditional, bought probably 20 minutes ago.
LF Maya stuff (There's a lot... BUT all have pictures)@H-I-N-A I ended up buying the hair, Here you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LZLxZLJZfUArqOYy50AVdSb7MzlNzP2g/view?usp=share_link
LF: Yoll Bunny costume Ver.CForgot who gave it to me but here it is: https://pixeldrain.com/u/WGBrUFWT
Strawberry Makeup Kikyo -
【7 アバター対応】 Stylish Wear 💎Fullset (Not my link): https://workupload.com/archive/anvhUndKtE
R18 motions, sexual positions,all interest me help plz!! (Found by Mastema) ✔@VexinTenoa said in Looking for R18 motions, sexual positions,all interest me help plz!!:
You do realise no one is going to help you have Desk top sex (Also The animations are made in Unity by posing them let alone most users will say "Just buy a Vr" )
Oh how wrong they were....
LF Luruleah AND Sister costume -
LF: [VRC] Wizard Motion AFK -
!FOUND! Haflow_Chain_Ring💍https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eQY4Eb46j0Ji_5fveeSVQk9fALwTyb_M/view?usp=sharing Credit @liliththatcat
Important Announcement: RipperStore Closure and Forum ContinuationThank god the forum is staying up, don't know what i'd do without you guys.
LF: 『ベルベット・グレイス』 ‐ Velvet Grace【11アバター対応】 Full set -
Kikyo new outfit "Rojiura Bunny" (Found by TheGodfather) ✔@sixthfloor https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RK9WFngFELwl43_JB1iWpnt7bz4Gbj5w/view?usp=share_link Bikini and track for selestia
Anyone else can obviously take this too
Kikyo Hair -
DEVIL's MANIA! for MARUBODY ✔ (found) -
Looking for Selestia Hairs AND Outfits -
EXTENSION CLOTHING - SelestiaI bought it forgot to post: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RK9WFngFELwl43_JB1iWpnt7bz4Gbj5w/view?usp=share_link