Guys, please, share more Lasyusha content.

Lasyusha FacialTracking Setting by Fermat -
Lasyusha(ラシューシャ)'s FacialTracking SettingGuys, please, share more Lasyusha content.
Modern Japanese clothing For LasyushaNeed more Lasyusha assets
LF: Lasyusha outfits (ロングニットベストセット)bump
LF: Lasyusha Items 9/27bump
LF: Lasyusha Items 9/27Bump!
LF: Lasyusha Items 9/27Thank you for sharing!
LF: lasyusha Assetsbump
Full Torinyan Runa/Luna Assets List:@C0-Eve nice bundle, didnt pirate it, but already seen some ppl with this special version.
Hope you get enought sales.I gonna stop using your avis before i get money to support.
I respect that you actually listen to our ideas and even mine.
Full Torinyan Runa/Luna Assets List:@C0-Eve said in Full Torinyan Runa/Luna Assets List::
So maybe you farts can provide with some feedback at least, heh.
We care about your works and i actually butthurted, when on avatar searching world you can find Runa avatar. Yes, there a money problem of individual person and thats why we pirated. Yes, i gonna donate, buy and support original author, when there money for it. also you can still use slurs about our broke status and dirty deeds, anyway, that you come here for talk with us - give me much more love, respect for you.
btw Runa give me incredible inspiration and i spend too much time on unity and even start learning blender a little.About ideas:
I think you can do something seasons based. I like BIG FXCKING WITCH HATS, so halloween witch Runa gonna be pretty good with your realisation.Runa avatar feels so timeless and maybe you can make new versions of gameready. Maybe you need to build much solid base as adding few more hairstyles for base.
Maybe gestures toggle? New face emotes? Touchable facecheeks or even little dragable?I see here trend of a chibi avatars of popular ones. What about loli Runie? Smol cute Runie as Mamehinata one. also starting think about IRL fumo-like Runa plushie.
@Dexizuki said in Full Torinyan Runa/Luna Assets List::
We shouldn't have to pay an additional 45 dollars just to have those parts separable if we don't plan to do naughty stuff with Runa.
I stick to base Runa boobies and actually dont care about naughty stuff. Thats a good point.
Tori, there many newbies who get into avatar things started with your Runa avi. One of them even start topic with begging to share package with assets on it. Maybe thats point to sell your avi as gameready bundles for higher prices. Something like Gameready + hairs + booba bundle for -30% of all assets price or dunno.
Thank you, Torinyan!
Full Torinyan Runa/Luna Assets List:@Yuri-Fanatic Truth as is.
LF: June shaders (NOT LITE)+1
Luna Runa but ... "assembled"Will do it for free if you write step-by-step guide how to
Runa Machine Learning Outfit (Found by LexRidow2 ) ✔+1
Runa Jacket+1
LF: Summerwear Set for Runa (Found by paaniccc) ✔@paaniccc THANK YOU, CHAMPION!
LF: Summerwear Set for Runa (Found by paaniccc) ✔+1