thank you~

chibi ari
@chibi ari
【PB対応】気まぐれツインテール【VRChat想定】 -
LF Odango Double Bun Hairbump for cute!
LF AfternoonChiffon Moe or Otherbump lf kikyo~
image url) -
sweet little demon dress (found) ✔bump and hope sleep well~
6 / 8 UNDER CLOSET Twinkle ROOMWEAR | MOE ✔️ | SELESTIA ✔️ | KIKYO ✔️ | MAYA ✔️ FOUND BY: @RAMUDA | SHINRA✔️ FOUND BY: @peppi | Manuka✔️| ❌ Missing ❌ : Lime, Karin@Tsukitai thank u so mush!
absolutely adorable ~ -
6 / 8 UNDER CLOSET Twinkle ROOMWEAR | MOE ✔️ | SELESTIA ✔️ | KIKYO ✔️ | MAYA ✔️ FOUND BY: @RAMUDA | SHINRA✔️ FOUND BY: @peppi | Manuka✔️| ❌ Missing ❌ : Lime, KarinBump for maya reupload
LF: Neko Coat [ ALL ]bump for moe
LF - Diplomat Of The Abyss For Shinra@randomoment thank you so much~
LF - Diplomat Of The Abyss For ShinraLF this suit for Shinra ξ(✿ ❛‿❛)ξ▄︻┻┳═一
LF 桔梗ちゃん対応(for Kikyo)『旅館浴衣』lf re-uploaded '
LF - Usamimi Itousan Avatar@ChoKawaii thank you! for adorable rabbit~₍ᐢ.‸.⑅ᐢ₎↝
Looking for Extension 22AUTUMN (Found by Damnation) ✔@sugar310 thank you~
LF - Usamimi Itousan Avatar -
Looking for Extension 22AUTUMN (Found by Damnation) ✔ -
Looking for latest Meiyun Avatar (2.0.1)@BLACK0NYX thank you !
Looking for latest Meiyun Avatar (2.0.1)looking for reuploading...