(🎁) ハロウィーンウィッチ(Witch Costume)【複数アバター対応】/ Fullset (Kikyo - Moe - Manuka - Karin - Selestia - Lime - Maya - Zome) -
(🎁) Thighs Physbones for Moe ([萌用]太ももプリン) -
(🎁) [BERO] Kitty Maid (Moe ver.) 『萌』ねこメイドPeople that I've seen looking for it:
@Avatar-Search-R @caro2815 @7nana @fenicheart @peewee @MaybeBabyGravy @Burner999 @pups @SSSSS @amana @GIZACHARD @Irisu @darkblackcow @emo @awisarawrrr @Miki42 @siritorina @NekoiDS @onikis @ashiu -
(🎁) Petting expressions (12 avatars supported) -
(🎁) Striped and maid underwear textures for Moe -
(🎁) [Moe] Hatsune Miku Bunny Ears Hoodie -
(🎁) [Moe] Heart Bunny set -
LF - Slime Transformation Effecthttps://workupload.com/file/qaQS7LdME5U
(Not from me) -
(🎁) Dangerous Rabbit for Kikyo -
(🎁) Blade Sakura Fan -
(🎁) 💋『Lingerie / Stockings / Garterbelt』 for Moe 萌 -
Penetration Contact System (Detects & Plays Sound FX for your X Interaction) (found) ✔@Starlight117 It is okay. I personally don't mind, it was just an honest to god advice, as insisting too much on it might come off as annoying to some who could've otherwise made the effort to buy it.
Does this make sense?Said admin have already reset your reputation to 0 at the condition that you stop the argument, which you agreed to.
https://forum.ripper.store/post/70625You're really giving the stick to be beaten with here
LF 【5アバター対応】 Succubus Wear -
[Moe] Anyone interested by these outfits?https://booth.pm/en/items/5049869
https://booth.pm/en/items/4816888I feel like it's time to pay back the community a little after saving so much thanks to it.
So I've seen these outfits for Moe which looks pretty good in my opinion and which doesn't really have equivalents available for free right now (except the bunny girl which I found an other one but way lower quality imo).
If I am mistaken and they are publicly available please tell me, I'll buy something else instead. -
LF: 💋『Lingerie / Stockings / Garterbelt』 for Moe 萌 - FOUND (bought) -
(🎁) [Moe] Hatsune Miku Bunny Ears HoodieAlso here's a 256x256 icon for your toggle so you don't have to bother doing it yourself
LF: Home date coordination (Imeris) - 【3アバター対応】おうちデートコーデ - BOUGHT IT@CoolGuyMeikai I ended up buying it. Gonna upload it a bit later
Halloween Assets@AviCreat said in Halloween Assets:
Any for a Karin would be amazing! But this is a really good idea!
I bought the fullset for this which does include Karin:
ハロウィーンウィッチ(Witch Costume)【8アバター対応】 - kamony-land - BOOTH
【3D衣装】ハロウィーンウィッチ(Witch Costume)【8アバター対応】 HAPPY HALLOWEEN!魔女風衣装です。 靴は付属していません。デフォルトの靴と合わせてあげるといい感じになるかもしれません。 【対応アバター】 桔梗ちゃん-kikyo-( https://booth.pm/ja/items/3681787 ) 萌ちゃん-moe-( https://kyubihome.booth.pm/items/4667400 ) マヌカちゃん-manuka-( https://booth.pm/ko/items/5058077 ) カリンちゃん-karin-(
Download link is in this post: https://forum.ripper.store/post/97791
(🎁) ハロウィーンウィッチ(Witch Costume)【複数アバター対応】/ Fullset (Kikyo - Moe - Manuka - Karin - Selestia - Lime - Maya - Zome)They added Selestia - Lime - Maya - Zome to the list of supported avatars.
So I updated the DL link from the original post, everything's in there.And just in case, here's a mirror in case the first one goes down: https://pixeldrain.com/u/c3Kv5dyJ