@BlueStar Actually I have specifically the Mamehinata version
LF Avatar Stringlights / Christmas lights (for GodMagician) -
LF Avatar Stringlights / Christmas lights (for GodMagician)I own this if you have anything to trade! I will DM it to you! Even if you do not have anything to trade just Chat with me and I will givvee! as a Christmas Present!
Looking for SakuraMochi I will trade many items for this avatar! If anyone has it Please let me know!BUMP
さくらもち sakuramochi / 【オリジナル3Dモデル】Bump
Looking for SakuraMochi I will trade many items for this avatar! If anyone has it Please let me know!BUMP
Looking for SakuraMochi I will trade many items for this avatar! If anyone has it Please let me know!さくらもち sakuramochi / 【オリジナル3Dモデル】 - parigon-pcp - BOOTH
VRChatでの使用を想定したオリジナル3Dモデルです。 Unity2022、VRC_SDK3.0、PhysBoneに対応。 ■内容物 ・UnityPackage ・FBX ・MAYA2024シーンデータ ・tex ∟PNGテクスチャ ∟改変用PSD ・さくらもちマニュアル.pdf ■モデル概要 ※Questには対応していません ・総ポリゴン数:44,150 ・マテリアル数:6 ・Performance Rank:Poor ・Lip Sync対応 ・PhysBone設定済 ・lilToon Shader 使用 ・FaceEmo 使用 ・自動まばたき設定済み
I will trade for this model! I really want it if anyone has itt!
LF https://afro-da-afro.booth.pm/items/5753473 [Costume] Spring flower costumeBUMP!
LF: Bitter Valentine Costume for NekoKamo And SakuraMochiBUMP!
LF: Bitter Valentine Costume for NekoKamo And SakuraMochihttps://afro-da-afro.booth.pm/items/5473805
If anyone has it please let me know! I am willing to trade items if you are as well!
I am also looking for this avatar if anyone has it: https://booth.pm/en/items/6095305
It is SakuraMochi Avatar if you have it I would absolutly love it!
さくらもち sakuramochi / 【オリジナル3Dモデル】BUMP
Looking For this avatar if anyone has it? I haven't seen anyone talk about it. But I would love it! I can trade clothes and avatars for Mamehinata and NekoKamo!@RubyLuna If you do, would you be willing to trade? I have a few items I would trade for itt. Of course this isn't pressure for you to buy it lololol. But if you did would you want to trade?
Looking For this avatar if anyone has it? I haven't seen anyone talk about it. But I would love it! I can trade clothes and avatars for Mamehinata and NekoKamo!@lovemail Thank you so much for adding the Link I completely forgot Lololol!
Looking For this avatar if anyone has it? I haven't seen anyone talk about it. But I would love it! I can trade clothes and avatars for Mamehinata and NekoKamo!Bump
Looking For this avatar if anyone has it? I haven't seen anyone talk about it. But I would love it! I can trade clothes and avatars for Mamehinata and NekoKamo! -
5378679 - Animal game [For Mamehinata / usasaki / Rue / minahoshi / suzuhana / aoico / Nekokamo Tabunsone / Conica / Unini / Noah] / あにまるういんたー / 【10アバター対応】あにまるういんたー / 3D衣装 (✔️Found by lalalelu)Is there a set in this package for NekoKamo? I know that she has a version of this avatar as well.
LF https://afro-da-afro.booth.pm/items/5753473 [Costume] Spring flower costume【衣装】春の花衣装 - afro-da-afro`s shop - BOOTH
【衣装】春の花衣装 ■ 使用シェーダー:Liltoon ( https://lilxyzw.github.io/lilToon ) ■ ModularAvatar ( https://modular-avatar.nadena.dev/ja ) ■対応アバター一覧 ●あふろだアバター ( https://afro-da-afro.booth.pm/ ) ┠うにに https://booth.pm/ja/items/3088774 ┠もにもに・コニカ https://booth.pm/ja/items/3647688 ┠ネコカモ・タブンソーネ
I am looking for these clothes if anyone has it! I've been searching for days.