+1 moe
【6アバター対応】💧~SALE中 Cold_Blood💧 -
【オリジナル3Dモデル】 Sio / しお ✔ (Found)bump
【オリジナル3Dモデル】 Sio / しお ✔ (Found) -
5039177 - Hoshinoko costume [For Mamehinata, Usasaki(MOCHIYAMA's Avatars), Shipilka, Mafuyu, Haolan, Uramo, Lina, Karin, Manuka] / ほしのこ衣装 / 【13アバター対応】ほしのこ衣装 (✔️Found)@Nick1026 TYSM ♡
5039177 - Hoshinoko costume [For Mamehinata, Usasaki(MOCHIYAMA's Avatars), Shipilka, Mafuyu, Haolan, Uramo, Lina, Karin, Manuka] / ほしのこ衣装 / 【13アバター対応】ほしのこ衣装 (✔️Found)@Nick1026
I can't decorate it because it's only mesh
Can you also post hoshinoko's texture zip? -
✨✨✨発売記念セール✨✨✨ 📢 ツイッターRTキャンペーン中 【7アバター対応】🐇Rabbit Catch you🐇 ✔ (found)+1 mamehinata add last version
LF: komanobump
LF : [Komano 狛乃] Komano Winter daily makeup texturebump
5084797 - ALPHANO#SUPER_MAME_TRAIN [For Mamehinata] (Found by toothe✔)OMG TYSM !
✨✨✨発売記念セール✨✨✨ 📢 ツイッターRTキャンペーン中 【7アバター対応】🐇Rabbit Catch you🐇 ✔ (found)+1 mamehinata add last version
LF : [Komano 狛乃] Komano Winter daily makeup texturebump
LF : [Komano 狛乃] Komano Winter daily makeup texture -
I'm looking for Kikyo Hair Asset <3 -
LF : [VRChat ] 赫 Hyuck - 靑煙 - BOOTHhttps://booth.pm/ja/items/4512305
image url)
Searching!! Please help!!Are you talking about this?
The original file has disappeared from the booth, so you can only view the information elsewhere
DL : https://drive.google.com/file/d/12aG3cU5fab66Fh4YZiPWTroX1blB-qsU/view -
4906366 - EmoticonSystem [For Mamehinata] / 表情システム / 【まめひなた專用】表情システム / EmoticonSystem (✔Found by nyaachen)That was very thoughtful of you! I hope you have a happy day today!
LF : I'm looking for this minase hairI looked into it a bit more
It's not a product for sale, but a model that was distributed only to the producer's acquaintances
I'll find out more -
LF : I'm looking for this minase hairX ID @_Rebi_94
This is the hair that this person made.
I don't know the details.
I've been looking for it -
LF : Jekyll and Hyde Outfits for Minase and Maki !! -
𝐆𝐈𝐅𝐓:【PB】【10 Avatars】 😻Daily Neco🐾 / Full ✔Thank you so much too, sir!!