Oh, thank you very much. I was looking for it hard.
You have been a great help. Thank you so much!!!!
What world avatar are you from? -
What world avatar are you from?Excuse me, does anyone know which world the Hatsune Miku avatar on the right side of this picture is from?
Hatsune mikuIf you have cache data of Hatsune Miku World up to 2/14, could you upload it? It seems to be different in many ways from the new version.
Did you participate in the paid event?
I was not able to go. I'm sorry to hear that.Greedy cards and all.Shooting for glee cards and live performances.I had to take pictures of the glee cards and the live performance.I would have loved to have filmed the glee cards and the live show.
I would like to have the cache data of Hatsune Miku if you have it. -
I am looking for this hotel. HOTEL LUXThis hotel set is not currently available.
I would appreciate it if someone could please help me.!
I am looking for a product that has the hair pattern and color of this avatar. I could not find any.I am looking for a product that has the hair pattern and color of this avatar.
I could not find any. -
Unity 2019.4.3.1f1Hi.
I am using Unity 2019.4.3.1f1 version to proceed with the video. (Reference link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-vrSPtab0k)I am getting an error at the FACS LOAD BUNDLE and am unable to load the .VRCA data.
I was able to get past this issue in the Unity 2022 version, but the avatar will not work in VRC unless the 2019 version is used, so I am having trouble figuring out how to fix the problem.I would appreciate any help you can give me.
[FACS Load Bundle] Getting AssetBundle from local file: C:/Users/Administrator_/Documents/avatar.vrcaUnityEngine.Debug:Log (object)
FACS01.Utilities.FACSLoadBundle/<LoadBundle>d__13:MoveNext () (at Assets/FACS01 Utilities/FACSLoadBundle.cs:110)
UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour:StartCoroutine (System.Collections.IEnumerator)
FACS01.Utilities.FACSLoadBundle:StartLB () (at Assets/FACS01 Utilities/FACSLoadBundle.cs:53)
FACS01.Utilities.FACSLoadBundleEditor:OnInspectorGUI () (at Assets/FACS01 Utilities/Editor/FACSLoadBundleEditor.cs:58)
UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr)[FACS Load Bundle] Failed to load AssetBundle from file: C:/Users/Administrator_/Documents/avatar.vrca
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
FACS01.Utilities.FACSLoadBundle/<LoadBundle>d__13:MoveNext () (at Assets/FACS01 Utilities/FACSLoadBundle.cs:128)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator,intptr) -
I can't remember the name of the product.Oh,thank,u so much!
I can't remember the name of the product.I'm looking for a 3D model of a weapon like Call of duty, but I can't remember the name of the product.
The device appears in your hand and fires a missile.
A plane appears in the air and strikes the ground.
A man speaks over the radio during the attack.
It is sold in Booth for 5,000 Japanese yen.If anyone knows the name of the product, please let me know.
LF:bluearchive bunny toki, Azurlane jeanbartThank you so much!
LF:bluearchive bunny toki, Azurlane jeanbartOhh, I was about to give up because there was no resale.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. -
LF:bluearchive bunny toki, Azurlane jeanbartI am looking for someone who has these avatars.
They were only available for 2 hours only.
Best regards.https://booth.pm/ja/items/4935406
https://vrchat.com/home/launch?worldId=wrld_39d93b9c-518c-487b-a95d-2509a9aeb79d【2時間限定販売】12/11(日曜日) 21:00~23:00(JST) アズレンジャンバール VRChatアバター - studio chakapo - BOOTH
■■■2022年12月11日 2時間限定販売■■■ (JST) 2022/12/11(日曜日) 21:00~23:00 (UTC) 2022/12/11(Sunday) 12:00~14:00 ・ジャンバールの美しい理想のボディを忠実に再現しています。 ・ドレスコート、普段着を選べるようにしています。 ・VRChat "testing_JeanBart" というワールドにて、12/10(土曜日)21:00~23:00にアバターの試着ができます。是非お試しください。