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LF : ❤️Latex Sailor❤️ for Milltina -
FOUND : オリジナル3Dモデル「ウルキ・Uruki」Thanks to Sam Dreemurr@Yukaa Open up the body PSD (if you don't have photoshop, you can use photopea online), enable CCMK and TKB layers in the "Extras" folder.
LF: Uruki Asset Mega Thread!are there patchnotes for what has changed between v1 and v1.2?
LF: 【ショコラ対応】しっぽ操作ギミック-Yuratail-【MA前提ギミック】bump!
【3アバター対応】Latex Succubus@Mimirin i got shinano here :3 https://workupload.com/file/m8HcGsP2qZf
LF: Chill Days 【3D衣装モデル】for Milltinabump, also for shinano/manuka
LF: ❤️Latex Nun❤️3Avatar対応bump
LF: 【Succubus Bunny】 4-Avatars - Fullsetbump
LF: 【Succubus Bunny】 4-Avatars - Fullsetbump
LF: [20モデル対応]衣装モデル『サンタビキニマフラー』Santa Bikini Scarfbump~
LF: [20モデル対応]衣装モデル『サンタビキニマフラー』Santa Bikini Scarfbump for manuka
LF: Some Christmas Manuka Outfithere's number 2!
https://pixeldrain.com/u/9LhYnReT -
LF: Some Christmas Manuka Outfitanother bump~
LF: Some Christmas Manuka Outfitbump
LF Shinano Latex Body Texture (General Failure)bump~
LF Shinano Latex Body Texture (General Failure)bump
LF Shinano Latex Body Texture (General Failure)Preferably looking for everything, but anything helps, thank you!
【VRC】しなのラバー【テクスチャ/マテリアル】 - VRLIFE STORE - BOOTH
当店の最新のバーチャルラバースーツは、まさに驚きの新体験です!なんと、二重に重ねたラバースーツが提供するベネフィットをお楽しみいただけます。この斬新な発想で、仮想世界がよりリッチで魅力的になりますよ! ラバースーツを二重に着ることで、まるで柔らかなクッションで包まれているような感覚が得られ、肌に触れるたびに快適な振動が広がります。それだけでなく、一枚目のラバーが作り出す暖かさが二枚目によって更に引き立ち、まるで温泉につかっているかのようなリラックス感を堪能できます。
✔ (FOUND by Lo0nGravy) LF: オリジナル3Dモデル「しなの」SHINANOMade a new Shinano NSFW texture using Manuka's PSD and the existing NSFW texture to help line things up, this one fixes the super obvious seams in the old texture and overall blends better. Here's the texture, PSD in case you want to edit it, and a comparison picture between the old vs the new. Enjoy!
https://workupload.com/file/nJHeLHy85xQ -
✔ (FOUND by Lo0nGravy) LF: オリジナル3Dモデル「しなの」SHINANO@Takisch Check off "Alpha is transparency" in the image's import settings. You can overlay it onto the body texture using a decal in Poi or just slap it onto the base body in photoshop.
Looking for【Rindo専用】Spring Story Eyes+Makeup Tex[HD-PSD]♥bump