@AllPeachy good luck, lets hope you can do it
LF: Miss circle by Cyber_Nait16 days ago -
Looking for this Loona Model1 Feb 2025, 08:46@FuntimeFoxy I was able to do it in a few minutes, what you do is (if ur using VRCQuestTools) when ur converting click the Material Conversion Settings and make the texture size 256x256, after that go to the loona avatars hierarchy and click on the Armature, click trisngle to show the parts of the armature and delete the sps files like SPS ass, pussy, and cocks, after that delete an acecsory from the avatar in the hierarchy, personally i went with deleting the gloves and the boots as they didnt make too much of a difference, doing all that in a few minutes made me able to upload the quest version with ease.
LF: Miz's crymini avatar29 Aug 2024, 01:05bump
LF: Miz's crymini avatar6 Aug 2024, 00:41Hello, ive discovered that some people have been reuploading mizs crymini model, recently one was uploaded but the creator edited, im trying to see if theres anyone that has the file for the crymini? this one in particular.