LF : Moe Stuff
https://booth.pm/en/items/4816969【萌用】ボディーハーネス『ゲファー』 - Body Harness『Gefahr』 - For Moe - seele - BOOTH
モデルさん Special Thanks for Modeling https://twitter.com/suihanvr365 バージョン1.0 で作られました 萌ちゃんはこちらへ https://booth.pm/en/items/4667400 使用されたマットキャップ: https://booth.pm/en/items/3610927 シェーダーこちらへ LilToon(https://booth.pm/en/items/3087170) Prefab_Boothには着せ替え済みのPrefabを用意してありますが試験的に同梱したものなので機能しない場合があります、ご容赦ください
【Moe】セータービキニ - もにゃ図書委員会 - BOOTH
キュビクローゼット様から販売されております「萌」Ver.1.02用の衣装です。 ■オリジナル3Dモデル「萌」Ver.1.02:キュビクローゼット様 https://kyubihome.booth.pm/items/4667400 ■サンプル動画─────────────────────────── https://youtu.be/WDhOdRM1dMY https://twitter.com/i/status/1652938399257591808 ────────────────────────────────── ■導入方法①(オススメ)
1st one full set
https://www.mediafire.com/file/o52a3cjohc1alkt/Swimsuit.zip/file -
1st one full set
https://www.mediafire.com/file/o52a3cjohc1alkt/Swimsuit.zip/file -
F Floralias referenced this topic on
1st one full set
https://www.mediafire.com/file/o52a3cjohc1alkt/Swimsuit.zip/file -
Does anyone have the grabbable version of the first one? owo
Bump grabbable version
Bump grabbable version
Bump grabbable version
Bump grabbable version
Bump grabbable version
@melissadick The version posted here is grabbable.
It does?
When I downloaded this it didn't come with the second unity file required for it. -
It does?
When I downloaded this it didn't come with the second unity file required for it.@melissadick I'm using it and yes it is
I'll have to double check then. -
I watched an older video tutorial hence my comment.
I followed the instructions so hopefully the grabbing actually works.