Anyone dl all the assets in "assetcord.oct.30.2022"?(18/18)(Found)
why not just search for what you're looking for here.
best way to search something is to put the booth url in the search bar (or even just the numbers at the end of it) and then after the initial search, toggle the In section to Titles and Post like in the image below
@eiron Thanks for your remind.
I searched everything I could find in this site, but still cannot find some avis in "assetcord.oct.30.2022" that I really need.
I think there should be someone already put the avis of "assetcord.oct.30.2022" in the netdisk. So, I hope they can share again.
Sorry for my bad English. -
1. Sucre : by @Louis_45 )2. フェザー(feather) : by @avatarofcorn )3. Kurocy : by @eiron )4. Alconia : by @Louis_45 )5. æ¡œmo(sakuramo) : by @eiron )6. アークトラス(A5K) : by @avatarofcorn )7. Ruho(ç‘ æ˜Ÿ) : by @eiron )8. elaz : by @Louis_45 )9. kuku : by @Louis_45 )10. SVST02_EA : by @eiron )11. batchan : by @avatarofcorn )12. Kanami : by @BLACK0NYX )13. althaea : LINS : by @eiron )Looking for these avis.
here's what i have
Lins: the fbx version of SVST02_EA
still looking for the other's i'll update this post if i find them
here's what i have
Lins: the fbx version of SVST02_EA
still looking for the other's i'll update this post if i find them
Forgot 4 avis below. I am sorry for my mistake.
15. Ikezawa : by @Louis_45 )16. Ohagi : by @eiron )17. Helena_Ver2.2 : by @eiron )18. ErMa : by @Louis_45 ) -
I know I'm a new member here, and I know nothing. So I don't have jurisdiction, and I'd rather not get involved in the mess. Although I do partly have a rough explanation for why you can't find it or that it seemingly no longer exists, This was merely what I was told because I had a few people recommend assetcord dumps as well. Regardless, as a disclaimer, I can't really be at fault if I was provided false information by someone I know.
I was told this by an acquaintance of mine. They somewhat knew about the existence of that community that made these asset cord files as a collective group. The entire community was taken down a few months ago, which was mentioned throughout a few different private communities.
They probably won't be able to reform under the same group or name due to the possibility of being taken down again. Therefore, I doubt finding any past or future assetcord dumps is going to be possible, unfortunately. Which is also why more than half the links no longer work due to being DMCA'd or taken down by the people who put them up. Hypothetically, if you went searching for it perhaps late last year, it may have still existed at the time
I apologise if this only partially answers your question and is not much help in your search. However, you can use the forums to find some of the things you're looking for, so not all is lost. Good luck on your search
I know I'm a new member here, and I know nothing. So I don't have jurisdiction, and I'd rather not get involved in the mess. Although I do partly have a rough explanation for why you can't find it or that it seemingly no longer exists, This was merely what I was told because I had a few people recommend assetcord dumps as well. Regardless, as a disclaimer, I can't really be at fault if I was provided false information by someone I know.
I was told this by an acquaintance of mine. They somewhat knew about the existence of that community that made these asset cord files as a collective group. The entire community was taken down a few months ago, which was mentioned throughout a few different private communities.
They probably won't be able to reform under the same group or name due to the possibility of being taken down again. Therefore, I doubt finding any past or future assetcord dumps is going to be possible, unfortunately. Which is also why more than half the links no longer work due to being DMCA'd or taken down by the people who put them up. Hypothetically, if you went searching for it perhaps late last year, it may have still existed at the time
I apologise if this only partially answers your question and is not much help in your search. However, you can use the forums to find some of the things you're looking for, so not all is lost. Good luck on your search