LF: YaokisubAvatars
bump for Ari selestia
bump ucm manuka
bump for ari selestia
bump ucm manuka
bump ucm manuka
bump ari selestia
bump ucm manuka
@toraa Thank you so much!!
bump ucm manuka
@vividvila Yes was pretty easy. Its a unity project so all you gotta do is open it in the cc that vrchat gives you for you to upload any avi. Then put your info in and upload.
@vividvila i cant find the unity pack
@vividvila i cant find the unity pack
@vividvila Its not.. its a project.
bump ucm manuka
bump ucm manuka
bump ari selestia
bump ucm manuka
bump for ari selestia
Hey, so does anyone know how to fix the avi for the first one? (I currently have her) and her body/head is the only pieces missing and while trying to add a body in, it warps. I can gesture with clothes and everything else but its only her actual body is missing. Texture is there, materials are there. Its just, no body
Hey, so does anyone know how to fix the avi for the first one? (I currently have her) and her body/head is the only pieces missing and while trying to add a body in, it warps. I can gesture with clothes and everything else but its only her actual body is missing. Texture is there, materials are there. Its just, no body
@Willowstar maybe you need to import the base avatar?
@Willowstar maybe you need to import the base avatar?
@TheBoldStool yeah I imported Selestia, and tried to replace the mesh with her head and body, but it would warp! I have made a post about it here actually (you can see the pictures there)