LF: YaokisubAvatars
for anyone purchasing in china, Alipay and Wise are quite popular. When I purchase anything in a foreign currency, Wise is my go to since it has a low exchange rate...its quite common for chinese sellers to only accept payment in either Alipay or Wise (though I'm not sure if that is the case here...I have used TransferWise numerous times to exchange CAD to CNY without issue)
bump manuka
bump manuka
Bump Ari
@yalllah that's tau XD
bump manuka
bump ari
@StuffedRavioli Thank you!!!
@StuffedRavioli Ah, I just noticed it's a different version. I'm after UCM manuka: https://yaokisub.gumroad.com/l/wodff. I still appreciate it though!!
@StuffedRavioli Ah, I just noticed it's a different version. I'm after UCM manuka: https://yaokisub.gumroad.com/l/wodff. I still appreciate it though!!
I have ari I'll trade for the sclestia if anyone has it
bump ucm manuka
bump for ari
bump for ucm manuka
bump for ari
bump for ari
bump ucm manuka