wholesome© Lollipop NSFW XD (FOUND)
There you go
https://pixeldrain.com/u/CiPpd6S3 -
@01joel1 You need to add this package to your project with VCC https://wholesomevr.github.io/vpm/
@01joel1 You need to add this package to your project with VCC https://wholesomevr.github.io/vpm/
@AndyLouise thanks!!!
bump for toribase v5
https://wholesomevr.gumroad.com/l/lollipoptori?layout=profile -
Does anyone have version for Fit base?
wholesome© Lollipop for Zin Fit V5
Join the Discord for more pictures, information & support: https://discord.gg/Rtp3wvJu8sBest on the specific base* with seamless transition from base to Lollipop. *Base not includedConfigurator tool made for the specific base. Not all features will fully work on other bases.Lollipop-Man: The first wholesome© Avatar.wholesome© Lollipop ConfiguratorSEAMLESS TRANSITION EVEN ON EDITED BASESSKIN SLIDINGWETNESSSCALINGPHYSBONES INSTANT MATERIAL & TEXTURE SETUP AUTO SCALE & POSITION WAKE UP MR. LOLLIPOP POSING FAST AND EASY SETUPGENERIC MODEIncluded generic mode that works on other bases.Following features are not supported:Texture samplingAutomatic positioningAutomatic scalingWrapping on bodyREQUIREMENTSPoiyomi Toon 7.3+VRCFuryINSTALLATION A manual is included with the package, but you can also find it in my Discord.HELP/SUPPORT DiscordTERMS OF USE Do not resell assets as is or edits of it Commercial use allowedOnly redistribute on finished modelsCredit by linking store page Refunds are not applicable Do not redistribute the custom setup tool, meaning do not reexport the Packages/wholesome.lollipop
Gumroad (wholesomevr.gumroad.com)
V4 Fit won't install for me, even though I've checked every version of wholesome
Dependencies in CreatorCompanion. Still the same several errors.
But the V4 RP version worksThe V5 version is only for Zin RP. Seemingly similar bodies, but it would be a lot of screwing around to get it all to fit nicely
same here
bump for akii base
bump for zinfit
Rp Base v5.1
https://pixeldrain.com/u/49EfMjYW -
Does anyone know how to install lollipop in unity? (I'm new to this)
@whosdiss Bump this for Zinpia!