LF: Updated Kitty Tail and Kitty Ears For Moe! [2/2 FOUND, Ears found by elinkabelzinka, Tail shared by me!]
@link2432 i bought it, so here u go
@elinkabelzinka ahhh thanks x3
Here is the tail https://workupload.com/file/ThJDmBtwN4c
Here is the tail https://workupload.com/file/ThJDmBtwN4c
@Ghore Oh ty! It doesn't seem like there was a unitypackage in it though..
@Idia This package was bought here https://payhip.com/b/I2BZq the creator mostly uses payhip and gumroad. the fbx should be the same drag in unity scene, set up a material put it on the tail and drag the hip armature onto the avatars hip armature.
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