【VRChat】リアル映像システム(アバター用) VRC用PCSS (Found by cefi) ✔
Poi pro and toon are the same but here's the update for liltoon PCSS4VRC_lil_v6.0.2
@Lo0nGravy it is on the booth page it seem like cost another 500jpy
poi and toon are the same but here's the new liltoon PCSS4VRC_lil_v6.1.8.
Here you guys go PCSS v6.1.9 Poi Pro,Toon and Liltoon
https://workupload.com/file/CnQchw9MzuB shadowcastaddon for whoever wants to (sometimes) see other people's skulls half-transparent, (rarely) their hands through other people's bodies and (always) lose bit of fps - dev said this is very efficient?
@jele (nerfs your FPS) here you go! https://workupload.com/file/qeX2KRKG38d
Does anyone know why the avatar works fine in Unity but lights up like a Christmas tree in-game?
@jele Did you use the auto setup for PCSS at the top where (file, edit, SDK), etc., are? If so, on the radial menu in-game, a section for PCSS will be added, and in there, a radial toggle is made so you can increase and decrease the light intensity. Hopefully, this somewhat helps.
Newest update 6.1.11
does anyone know why the eye whites are super dark in unity?