【VRChat】リアル映像システム(アバター用) VRC用PCSS (Found by cefi) ✔
So there isn't a update for ngss but incase anyone needs it I'll post it here for convenience Next-Gen Soft-Shadows
@Lo0nGravy have shadowcast addon?
@Lo0nGravy have shadowcast addon?
@20154434 no sorry. I don't use PCSS as often so I didn't know there was an "addon" lol. If you link it here I could possibly look into it tho.
@Lo0nGravy it is on the booth page it seem like cost another 500jpy
bump latest version
Poi pro and toon are the same but here's the update for liltoon PCSS4VRC_lil_v6.0.2
@Lo0nGravy it is on the booth page it seem like cost another 500jpy
poi and toon are the same but here's the new liltoon PCSS4VRC_lil_v6.1.8.
Here you guys go PCSS v6.1.9 Poi Pro,Toon and Liltoon
https://workupload.com/file/CnQchw9MzuB shadowcastaddon for whoever wants to (sometimes) see other people's skulls half-transparent, (rarely) their hands through other people's bodies and (always) lose bit of fps - dev said this is very efficient?
@jele (nerfs your FPS) here you go! https://workupload.com/file/qeX2KRKG38d
Does anyone know why the avatar works fine in Unity but lights up like a Christmas tree in-game?
@jele Did you use the auto setup for PCSS at the top where (file, edit, SDK), etc., are? If so, on the radial menu in-game, a section for PCSS will be added, and in there, a radial toggle is made so you can increase and decrease the light intensity. Hopefully, this somewhat helps.