【VRChat】リアル映像システム(アバター用) VRC用PCSS (Found by cefi) ✔
@Lo0nGravy Thank you! Do you happen to have the Liltoon version as well?
@Nerdy_and_Curvy oh mb ig i didnt attach it lol oops i'll update it rn
Bump so ppl see i added liltoon
@Lo0nGravy Thank you again!
@Nerdy_and_Curvy npp
N Nerdy referenced this topic on
Here's PCSS4VRC_lil_v4.7.2
This is just PCSS4VRC_lil_v4.8.0. Poi toon and pro seem to be the same.
This is just PCSS4VRC_lil_v4.8.0. Poi toon and pro seem to be the same.
@Lo0nGravy Appreciate the Update @Lo0nGravy
@Lo0nGravy Appreciate the Update @Lo0nGravy
@picturesque np
@Kodii I'll try to make it as simple as possible
- Import the main shader you want to use PCSS for PoiPro or PoiToon/Liltoon
- Import PCSS for your shader PoiPro or PoiToon/Liltoon
MAKE SURE IT'S THE LATEST VERSION OF THE SHADER - Go to the top where it says (file, edit, assets, etc.) but hover over nHaruka => PCSS for VRC (for your shader)
- Drag your avatar into the top box => switch the language at them bottom if need be
- Keep Write default on if your avatar has it off uncheck it
- Click the BIG button
- From here just select setup and your done
Hopefully this helps
@Kodii I'll try to make it as simple as possible
- Import the main shader you want to use PCSS for PoiPro or PoiToon/Liltoon
- Import PCSS for your shader PoiPro or PoiToon/Liltoon
MAKE SURE IT'S THE LATEST VERSION OF THE SHADER - Go to the top where it says (file, edit, assets, etc.) but hover over nHaruka => PCSS for VRC (for your shader)
- Drag your avatar into the top box => switch the language at them bottom if need be
- Keep Write default on if your avatar has it off uncheck it
- Click the BIG button
- From here just select setup and your done
Hopefully this helps
@picturesque couldnt get it to work i might be stupid ty for trying to help tho my unity crashed everytime i clicked on my avi
bump for 5.2.3. NGSS is gone.
Looked on developer's discord and twitter, was only able to find 1 example of comparison ( https://x.com/Solteilychee/status/1851284217302565034 ) so whatever.