LF ribbons by vxoletpaws
hi!! first post here yayy, im lf these ribbon assets if any kind soul has them? there's one for a mayu, bennett, regulus and then a novabeast! i wanted to purchase but it isnt letting me and i dont know why
i really want the novabeast one the most but hopefully can get all four!
Ribbons (Mayu, NovaBeast, Regulus, Bennett)
RibbonsThe Christmas Ribbons For the Bennett, Mayu, Regulus and Nova Beast.Avis Bases:these bases can be brought from the stores of the original creators.MAYU - AzukiREGULUS - gigashNOVABEAST - KittomaticBENNETT - SqibMerry Chistmas yhSHADER:Standard Shader or Poiyomi
Gumroad (vxolet.gumroad.com)
bumpp ^.^