LF Scarea - The Firefox Bgirl by STΔRRΨGΣM
Scarea - The Firefox Bgirl [VRCHAT}
Features -Turn into an ADORABLE fox plushie! -Fox joint. With hueshift to change the color~! -Hands Particles. -Mask as VISEME ;) -Fully working skateboard for FBT user's. ( It LITERALLY follows your feet c: )https://discord.gg/4Cgn9pgk6W -Full Body Ready! -Organized Unity Package -Colliders and Dynamic Bones in Breast, Booty, and Hair ( VERY generous boobs physic, you can edit them if they are too jiggly ) -5 Face Gestures! -HUESHIFT color variation for the EVERYTHING! - Body Swap texture. -Custom hand-drawn 2D icon for specifically this avatar.-Full-body dissolve. ( Invisible )EVERYTHING dissolve - Cap, ears to > human ears, bodysuit, pasties, piercings, accessories, bottom, panties, socks, shoes, harness, flannel.-EVERYTHING can be dissolved. -And obviously, DPS._______________________________________________________________________________Credits -The avatar was created in collaboration with zepwlert#6838 ( he made all the FX/Toggles )~Do not redistribute, share, sell, or claim any of these asset in whole or in part, as yours.- You are allowed to EDIT, but you cannot resell in any sort of ways the said edited/altered version._______________________________________________________________________________Tail by - LarensFloofy ears by - ApyrBodysuit by - KxromiBottom by - PoppyVRAccessories by - SockEmBopEmSocks by - LokiHat cap by - Milky MommyBody texture by - BlenityShoes by - Cali 3DHair by - DarcyDPS by - RalivMask by - LesteryEye texture by - MowsterowoWaist Flannel by - BeannieHead used is from - Nikkiepng - ( EDITED by me, not allowed to reuse. )Body used is from - Pandaabear - ( EDITED by me and heavily sculpted, not allowed to reuse. )She doesn't come with any sort of locomotion added, if you wish to have a locomotion added to her DM me, I will gladly show you how to add one. ( She's made for FBT users )
Gumroad (starrygem.gumroad.com)
Thank you