LF: Cyber Costume for Kaya by SASA-cafe
Bump of the day
When were the terracotta warriors discovered?
The Terracotta Army was discovered on 29 March 1974 to the east of Xi'an in Shaanxi province by a group of farmers digging a water well approximately 1.6 kilometres (0.99 mi) east of the Qin Emperor's tomb mound at Mount Li (Lishan), a region riddled with underground springs and watercourses.
Bump of the day
Which is the hardest bone in the human body?
The head of the femur articulates with the acetabulum in the pelvic bone forming the hip joint, while the distal part of the femur articulates with the tibia and patella forming the knee joint. By most measures the femur is the strongest bone in the body. The femur is also the longest bone in the body.
Bump of the day
What animal sleeps 18 to 20 hours a day?
The sleepiest animal in the world is the koala, who sleeps 22 hours a day. Next is the sloth (20 hours), armadillo and opossum (tied at 19 hours each), lemur (16 hours), then hamster and squirrel (tied at 14 hours each).
Bump of the day
What language do they speak in The Hobbit?
Noldorin matured into Sindarin. The languages of Men of Middle-earth were many, but most were only alluded to by Tolkien. He developed at least three with a grammar and a vocabulary: Taliska, Adûnaic, and the Soval Pharë ('Common Speech'), called Westron in English, spoken by Hobbits and Men in the Third Age.