GIFT: LILITH by Kiwii SPS EDIT + Extras + More Jiggle Physics
Update - Added More Jiggle Physics Version so not as stiff, so which ever you prefer!
Poiyomi Already in Package
Requires VRCFury
Import Gesture Manager- Updated to Latest Gogo Loco
- Fixed Head Swap Emotes
- Skin Tone Radial no longer removes Lower Tattoo
- Added Horns Toggle
- Added Physics to Boobs, Butt, Tummy and Thighs
- Added SPS
- Added PCS
- Added LMS
- Added Wholesome Lollipop
Let me know if there's any issues
LILITH SPS Edit + Extras - WIth More Jiggle Physics
LILITH SPS Edit + Extras - With Less Jiggle Physics
M MyNameIsJeff referenced this topic
thank you!
@earara @cookiemonster655 @Bubbleuwu
Update - Added More Jiggle Physics Version so not as stiff, so which ever you prefer! -
Bumping for more people to see
so many "misssing scripts" errors on the pcs/lms objects, any quick way to fix or do i just have to reimport?