just a vent...
i really wish there was a password lock for avatars
i know there is one, for example, dreadtools but it is so stupid that you have to pay for that.
recently, my account got suspended and i dont want to use shitty public avatars...@welie4u Not sure how any P2U password locks out there work but its 100% possible to make one purely through user created toggles though if you're not knowledgeable enough with unity or just dont want to put in the work theres a few free ones you could use till your account isnt suspended anymore like Gabsith's password lock, AniPIN or if you use VRCFury they have a Password lock Component (though im not sure about the quality/strength of each lock listed)
@welie4u Not sure how any P2U password locks out there work but its 100% possible to make one purely through user created toggles though if you're not knowledgeable enough with unity or just dont want to put in the work theres a few free ones you could use till your account isnt suspended anymore like Gabsith's password lock, AniPIN or if you use VRCFury they have a Password lock Component (though im not sure about the quality/strength of each lock listed)
Gabsith's system is really good, it used to be able to have a custom input but last I heard that part was busted but it should fully work. If no third party thing interests you, just hide stuff under very specific sub menu paths and have the wrong ones just lead back to the start