LF: Cass The Goblin by Blair
wrote 17 days ago last edited by
Cass The Goblin / VRCHAT Avatar
Cass The cutesy Goblin waifu is here to serve love!They are cute, they dances, they sing and they are darn CUTE!!!- Informations - Model comes with Multiple Outfit Model contain Multiple Hair Variant: 5 of them, 3 with Hair physic and all with changeable hue, brightness and saturation. Breast Slider, Butt slider, Nails on off, Bulge Slider For Customization Model Comes with Gogoloco installed in Requires Poiyomi and VRCFury, so install it before loading the model in Unity Blendshape compatible with MMD worlds (Facial will sing and move with Udon plugin world) -Requirements!!! (Please install the following first before opening the package)Use of VCC to set up this unitypackage is strongly recommended. -Poiyomi Shader- VRC SDK Avatar 3.0- Unity 2022.3.6f1- VRCFury- RULES - Do not resell. selling adoptables or retextures are NOT allowed. DONT reupload it on any other website for free or for money, here is the place to original find them! uploads on VrChat are only allowed as private uploads with YOUR account. Public uploads are NOT allowed -CREDITS- Modified Body Owned by : https://marivr.gumroad.com/ Head From : https://xohu.gumroad.com/l/kiyo Elf/Gobbo ears made by : https://riverdragonz.gumroad.com/ Resized Garments, but Assets created by: https://missehy.gumroad.com/ Maid Outfit : https://chailatte.gumroad.com/ Nightwear made by : https://depressed.gumroad.com/ Cottage shirt made by : https://kingshai69.gumroad.com/ Google made by: https://bratbun.gumroad.com/ Round glasses made by : https://kuuderekitten.gumroad.com/ Thick Frame glasses by: https://silenthill.gumroad.com/ Half frames Glasses by : https://heyitskaylee.gumroad.com/ Heart-Shaped Glasses by : https://payhip.com/CupcakesHideout Leather Boots: https://madevillemon.gumroad.com/ Shoes made by : https://dzy.gumroad.com/ Hairset with physic and texture made by : https://darcyvr.gumroad.com/l/WitchyHAIR Custom hair asset And "butler"outfit, leather pants, stockings and long glove created by Me
Gumroad (mommablair.gumroad.com)
wrote 17 days ago last edited by
wrote 16 days ago last edited by