LF refucil by lili
VRChat Creator Companion SDK Unity 2019.4.31f1Poiyomi Pro V7.3.046 & Poiyomi Pro 8.0.094 (anything newer works)⋆ creditsHead (heavy edit) - zinpiaBody (heavy edit(slight re-rig & physics)) - DollyMolly (didnt kn0 @ the tim nor d0 igaf. enjoi |uv)Original Face Texture - saturnisLocofix - wetcat Tongue (removed piercings) - daeriseverything else was entirely made for you <3⋆ rules~ dont redistrubute or resell anything (assets, package, etc).~ dont publicly upload the model (uploading privately to your friends account is fine).~ dont reuse his head or body edit its specifically for him (O_O).~ if using for media purposes just credit me (streaming.. etc).~ no refunds (enj()y m`/ lov[- <3).⋆ setupimport sdkimport shaders (Poiyomi Pro (if using toon dps/fur options will be unavailable))import DPS (optional)import refucil (re).unitypackageenjoy your day luv <3unr[-quit[-d but | 5till l()v[- u.Inspired by Forest Ripperton & Alan RafaraWork Timeline: (5/12/2022) - (5/20/2022) re (11/5/2022 - 11/15/22)Contact: frog#3079 (https://discord.gg/lili)
Gumroad (froujee.gumroad.com)