Full Torinyan Runa/Luna Assets List:
@ShutDog1212 Here's the new link, I forgot to copy everything after the # in the original link. Same 7 day restriction applied as the original upload.
@foxib99625 Thanks, updated the OP!
I don't know why anyone would want it but I found it XD
it's just a cube with a color XD
Orange Cube for Runa: https://www.mediafire.com/file/94ixapen9cp5fec/Cube_for_Runa.zip/file -
Hey @ShutDog1212, I found somethings that's missing on the list...
Runa Long Dress -- flexuh (https://forum.ripper.store/topic/2893/lf-runa-dress?_=1699943499340) needs manual set up for physbones and parent constraint but should be straight forward
The Runa Robo Heels link has expired.
Reuploaded again, same 7 days limit as before. I would upload it to workupload but they seem to have the MD5 hash or something block for the file since it automatically deletes it.
Same password as before.
@foxib99625 Thanks, I put your link in.
Killer Sweater Outfit: https://www.mediafire.com/file/vputjw80cu2e1xf/sweater_runa_v1.0.zip/file
Runa Swimsuit by Torinyan : https://mega.nz/file/yYRhVZaA#0fAnUWKG1gL-hdeTKbPo85srd3ciruxreiES0GmweqU