Did anyone get this avatar before it was blacklisted
@PrIsMaTiSm shhhhhhhh you are ruining our trolling of huangpu and their laziness
@TheReGodfather RIP, I ruined it lol
@TheReGodfather you’re really mean
@huangpu i’m sorry buddy but he is right, it’s just a maya avatar that has been uploaded as a “ripped avatar”. It’s maya in another outfit that you could easily put on the model using auto dresser, i too am a unity noob but with plug-ins it’s super duper easy!
@TheReGodfather do not downvote me when you bully others
I didn't downvote you.
Now I did. You can tell by -2 now
D Damnation moved this topic from Found Avatars and Assets on
@TheReGodfather do not be rude. No place for negativity here
You necro'd a topic from 3 months ago for what? Do you like punishment or something?