Did anyone get this avatar before it was blacklisted
@TheReGodfather How does it put you on EAC radar?
@TheReGodfather You're talking about the video you sent? It seems like it's saying that asset creators have the legal right to ask you for proof of purchase of any asset you use in VRChat any time you use it, and if you don't they will tell VRChat to ban your account or IP and VRChat has to comply?
I don't mean to be rude, but, BIG doubt. There is no way they do that. I have doubts they have caught any users that way. (This isn't to say that they can't be caught with other means such as finding a modified avatar when modification is strictly forbidden, but most things online can be shown to be circumstantial)
The blacklist discussed here is specific to Ripper store, and it comes about after an asset creator contacts (and possibly pays a fee) to Ripper store through their Discord from my understanding.
@PrIsMaTiSm shhhhhhhh you are ruining our trolling of huangpu and their laziness
@TheReGodfather RIP, I ruined it lol
@TheReGodfather you’re really mean
@huangpu i’m sorry buddy but he is right, it’s just a maya avatar that has been uploaded as a “ripped avatar”. It’s maya in another outfit that you could easily put on the model using auto dresser, i too am a unity noob but with plug-ins it’s super duper easy!
@TheReGodfather do not downvote me when you bully others
I didn't downvote you.
Now I did. You can tell by -2 now
D Damnation moved this topic from Found Avatars and Assets on
@TheReGodfather do not be rude. No place for negativity here
You necro'd a topic from 3 months ago for what? Do you like punishment or something?